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Old 08-27-2016, 10:27 AM
raknefne raknefne is offline
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Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 570

That has been my thoughts too, not sure if it is possible to mod - in an earlier test version, we had double chance for the Magic School you are "specialized" in, for the Ice Mage it was Rune Magi etc., but we ran into problems and had to delete it. But I'll hand it over to the main modder, Terroin. This could be a thing to look on in a patch. On the skills ATTACK and DEFENSE in the Might Skill Tree, we added 10 Rage/Mana, partly because we never chose those skills and also to spread out the option to get Mana/Rage so it isn't depended on a few skills only.
On the other hand you have a chance to get something strong, like Higher Magic that you normally will take some time to develop. The idea was to make the mod as random as possible, like a "gamblers mod". Ofc that also has it downsides. I'm not a guy that plays any game to the end, it's rare, and with Hylfire I have started many heroes, and still do. My steam account says I have played 1.600 hours of WoTn !!

We are already working on a new mod, with a new world/campaign. In this you can build buildings, one building can develop the 4 magic schools which you then can buy for a price. Another building some other elementary stuff, like Rage Control etc. - together with the Acrimaldo reward system after battle. It's a Heroes of Might and Magic inspired mod. We are using what we have already modded with Companions, Acrimaldo, Items, Spells. The main modder, Terroin, has an extreme creativity regarding new mod ideas.

How are you thoughts about the tax system? Our tester was not so keen about it. My thoughts are 10% instead of 25%, but it is debatable, some like it, some don't, I guess. We wanted to make a mod where you really have to think about your gold, not just having so much you buy everything. This way you get more happy when you find an item for free or craft one yourself. Hylfire is a lot about managing your income, sometimes I use eggs or cheap stuff instead of buying expensive creatures, just to save money.

Hint: Try saving 100k in the Guild before entering Greenwort...

Last edited by raknefne; 08-27-2016 at 11:00 AM.
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