Thread: Double Tap
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Old 08-14-2016, 03:51 PM
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dimlee dimlee is offline
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I can recall just one "double tap" in my IL2 career. Long time ago, FW190, online. Attacked a pair of La from low 7 or 5. High speed approach after the dive, I didn't realise what happened until that unlucky pair burst out in chat. While they were calling me names I spotted another target, dived and managed to shoot it down. My reputation as a "cheater" was sealed among those guys.
I have been average fighter always, so that was probably my best result in years.

As for airfield shootings... When Ta183 was just released, it was such fun to play "SAM" by launching missiles from the field. Especially on "arcade" servers with unlimited ammo.
Q: Mr. Rall, what was the best tactic against the P-47?
A: Against the P-47? Shoot him down!
(Gunther Rall's lecture. June 2003, Finland)
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