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Old 05-09-2016, 08:51 PM
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Spudkopf Spudkopf is offline
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Turns out that the stutter has not been completely eliminated after all, did some more flying and noticed there is still the periodical micro stutter, however these are more noticeable when your just tooling around and admiring the scenery, however when you've got more important things to do, like attacking a target or when your focus is preoccupied with landing your crate, then they are less noticeable.

Now I wanted to tax the current setting somewhat more, so I set the weather to poor, as to bump up the amount of clouds, and still need to try the same flight again with better weather to see if it was the additional clouds that introduced said m-stutters.

With any luck there is still an ideal setting hidden somewhere within the multitude of flags found in the Nvidia Inspector and hopefully I can find it before my will to do so expires.

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