Thread: NA/EU reviews
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Old 03-30-2009, 02:21 PM
SwedKnoT SwedKnoT is offline
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Swedish PC Gamer gave it 40/100

+ Cold
- Grey
- Hard
- The technic
- Loading times (I say WTF?!)
- Well, almost everything (...)

The guy who reviewed it probably had some serious things against it, even if you hate the game, you wouldn´t give it a score like that, and he said the colours of the game were boring (I think they are absolutely amazing).

The reviewers name was John Walker, he probably found his name in the cornflakes he takes for breakfast.

They also gave Necrovision 35/100.
I don´t want to buy PC Gamer anymore if they are haters like that, and I´m going to move to another country, but first, a well placed RPG-7 into their office.

Cryostasis is still the best game I´ve played, perfect atmosphere and everything.
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