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Old 01-27-2016, 03:19 PM
Pursuivant Pursuivant is offline
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Originally Posted by RPS69 View Post
We have lots of flyables without adequate missions for them.
This will be more of a problem once we get cargo and patrol aircraft into the game.

Not only will IL2 have to add new types of missions, but also new objects appropriate to the new missions.

Originally Posted by RPS69 View Post
Pilot's rescue missions were most daring. They were flown everywhere, from the north sea, to the black sea, in europe, and the whole of the pacific scenery.
Actually, it was very rare for seaplanes/flying boats to land to rescue men at sea. Waves were usually too high for planes to land or take off safely. Instead, patrol aircraft just directed rescue boats to survivors, and sometimes dropped supplies.

It would also be quite difficult for IL2 to handle actual rescue missions. How would the game determine how many survivors a plane can hold? How does it figure added mass from survivors, and the time needed for them to board the plane? Once aboard, can survivors be injured or killed by enemy fire? If the plane crashes, how do survivors bail out?

Also, the game would have to make a lot of changes to water animations in order to simulate high seas, wave direction, and interactions between waves and floating objects.

Originally Posted by RPS69 View Post
Those boats played the mine laying role also, and the long range scouts too.
Mine-laying missions would be easy. Basically, like bombing missions but with "bombs" with triggers that get delayed until a ship touches the mine (for contact mines) or comes within a certain distance of it (for magnetic or acoustic mines). Like torpedoes, mines can only be successfully laid if the player flies low and slow enough. Players would get points just for dropping mines in the assigned target area. Aerial mine objects would be simple to make and texture, and to add as new loadouts.

Scout missions already exist within the game.

Anti-Submarine Warfare and Artillery Spotting Missions would require some new objects and game programming.
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