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Old 12-01-2015, 05:28 PM
Lotrek Lotrek is offline
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Posts: 309

OK first off:
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@kokain_jtp: Well what would you like to talk about. I am sure we can hold a snappy convo between the few of us left. Personally, I'd love to hear of any similar game out there that allow you to have a mothership and fighters with RPG elements.

@nocalora29: DLC is shameless only because the player base allows it, hell they suck it up. If people told companies with their wallets instead of their troll postings, companies would pay attention. EA could care less that you do not like it, they care if you don't buy it.

I am fine with expansion packs where a group of coders extended the game past its release play time. That should be a paid expense on the players part. I am also OK with silly trivial things like a fancy hat collection DLC that you can opt to pay for but does not effect the actual game in any other way. What I abhor is the practice of "day 1 DLC" that was clearly items or content that was purposely cut from a game in order to sneak in a price hike.

OK so back to business: An ode to Star Wolves:

We wait in anticipation
We suffer in frustration
Dev's stare at my posts in procrastination
Do you suffer from constipation?
I beg of you give us some confirmation
Before i give up in deflation

NEWS NEWS NEWS, we want December NEWS!
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