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Old 03-28-2009, 10:58 AM
Vulture Vulture is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 210

You cannot influence the choice you are given on levelups in ANY way. Neither your hero's nor you Spirits'. This is in fact sometimes devastating as with your game. 1-2 Timeback in end-game is unbearable for the majority of tactics using it, yet there are ways to compensate.


1. Depending on class and availability make excessive use of resurrection. If not mage, this can be tough and limit your most useful magic related tactics. You're probably already doing this. If not, do so and avoid undead in the army except for lvl 1-2 or vampires (but only on living targets)

2. Use lvl 1-2 support or melee and timeback them after using their most valuable abilities or taking heat! Dryads chain sleeping enemy stacks if the levels match are priceless. Just sleep and timeback the turn before it expires. Sprites/Lake Fairies with respective gear will dish out a hell of damage and can just be timebacked when decimated. Skeleton Archers with Dragon Arrows are one of the most devastating Unit/Spell Combo in the game. Use timeback if lost or to extend Dragon Arrow charges on them in longer fights. All those units are 1-2 and belong to the most powerful in-game. Additionally of course when timebacking, cast sacrifice on them before to bring back higher level creatures that died, like your tank unit.

3. Going without low lvl units not a good idea in general even without that timeback lvl range problem. Units of lower levels have minimum dmg ranges. Most of them do 1-3 or 2-3 damage without modifiers. Adding +1 point of dmg on them has by far a bigger effect than on units with like 30-45 ranges. Provided the leadership/dmg ratio is more or less equal you will see a +50% min dmg and +33% max dmg increase for a 2-3dmg unit whilst the higher lvl unit with 30-45 dmg receives 3%min and 2% max dmg increase. Get the point in this ? But that's not the only good point about them and it depends on having +dmg items or not. Another good point is the fact that reducing defense or even ignoring defense on high defense enemies has a massively bigger effect on low atk units in high stacks. Damage is vastly determined by atk vs defense so lower lvl units with low atk values gain more benefit through these effects. Dragon Arrows, Helplessness as prime examples.

Hope I've at least given you a minimum taste of what 1-2 units can give you especially with timeback. And unless you abuse Rage Drain, Soul Drain and Black Hole a lot already it will improve the count of your Reaper uses so more levels and good picks will come up for you :>
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