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Old 10-25-2015, 11:05 AM
Zekito Zekito is offline
Approved Member
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 37

Hi nocalora29

I`ve figured how to get to that Mod menu, you need to get your Hero pilot out into space in one of your ships, and when you click on that button where you can select one of his special features, then you get an option to activate Mod menu.

And, Mothership switch block feature worked, I had to start a new campaign ( I still start with that huge Mothership, a not with a vanilla Thug :hmm: ) and I had went to Maintenance Station to turn off Mothership switch feature which later allowed me to stay in that Heavy Transport ship, and I had managed to finish that mission.

But, when I had returned to the Trading Station where Alex awaits me with a New mission to Smuggle some stuff, I had a crash after docking to Trade Station and checking that panel with Mercenary availability and News.

Here is my log file:

I will continue playing to see what happens. Cheers
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