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Old 03-24-2009, 04:23 AM
Bearcat Bearcat is offline
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Originally Posted by RCAF_FB_Orville View Post
Interesting, that was very kind of Russia and a fitting memorial for a very sad and tragic day. Didn't know that myself. I wonder however if the US and British Governments will be so kind as to build a similar monument to remember the (at Least) 120,000 to 1 Million dead Iraqi civilians since the illegal and unwarranted invasion, depending on which source and methodology you proscribe to. Thats more per annum than at any time Saddam was in power during his 35 year reign. Somehow I don't see it happening.
I don't see it either.. and I don't see anyone going to jail for it either.. so.. there you have it but to be blunt.... that isn't what this thread is about so please... take it elsewhere. If you want to talk smack whether you are right or wrong please don't come into a thread that I started in good faith to do it. Be a man about it and start your own thread about whatever issue you may be having..... but don't trash mine.

Everyone else.... don't feed it and it won't grow...

Last edited by Bearcat; 03-24-2009 at 04:26 AM.
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