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Old 03-15-2009, 12:35 AM
usagold2004 usagold2004 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 20
Default bad, but not terrible

I think they have good intentions for going with the online thing and they arent really out to get you. At the end of the day, no one wants their stuff stolen, especially something that took years to make. So i dont fault them for wanting to protect their stuff.

However, I want to play my game when ever I want to. I dont want someone telling me when/where/how i can play it. for me, thats the most important factor in all of this.

steam isnt bad. if youre worried about people spying on your activities through the internet, dont worry, they already do! If you have a cell phone, "they" can triangulate your position to with in 500m or so as long as its on. Your tivo spies on you. every webpage you visit spies on you. (think about your online banking as your service provider routes all of your internet usage) As long as you use "their" products, "they" will spy on you.

i hope i havent made any of you paranoid folks more paranoid than you already are!
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