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Old 03-07-2009, 05:14 PM
Gniarf Gniarf is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 180

I won the ssam challenge - kinda proud of it.
-I used the nail hand+rocket launcher.
--Fire as much nails as possible, don't care about adrenalin, you get enough headshoting stuff. Nails work great against dragons.
--Zombies are easy preys: slash them if you can't headshot them.
--When you face though opponents (medusas, flamer mice, or anything annoying...) or crowds use the rocket launcher and get a "rocket boy" combo.
-Don't stay near your spawnpoint but go to the other side of the arena, this place seems bigger so you have more space to move.
-The goal is to get enough fury to have several skulls spawning (yes, the fire hands gives 1 skull, but fury levels ~17+ give skulls too) that will keep you safe.
--When you've got enough skulls (4-6), MOVE! HUNT! You must make combos to keep the skulls alive.
PS: skulls can pick ennemies that fell of the cliff

(numbers may not be acurate, I did not pay much attention to those at that time)

Last edited by Gniarf; 03-07-2009 at 08:23 PM.
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