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Old 06-15-2014, 01:06 AM
knight_9 knight_9 is offline
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Originally Posted by MattCaspermeyer View Post
I think really the goal you are after is that you want to start each battle with maximum rage and mana.

Since you are already editing the LUA files, I'll point you in the right direction for the files you need to edit and I'll let you work out the details...

For changing mana / rage at the beginning of a battle, you'll need to edit the "on_round_start" function in ARENA.LUA. For seeing how to change your mana / rage during combat see the function "enbox_bonus" in SPIRIT_LINA.LUA.

You should be able to figure out what to do from looking at those two functions to start each battle with maximum mana / rage.

For the search radius function, the zerocount=1 parameter is just for identifying whether that counter can be zero or not. Most counters are set to be positive so that negative values are not allowed. If a param has cmc=1, then it is a counter where the counter value increments; whereas if it is cml=1, then it is a counter where the limit increments (see mana or rage in PARAMS.TXT, for example).

None of the parameters under search_radius, though, effect digging distance. I do not know where this is in the game. It is possible that it is hard coded in the EXE or there may be something in BOXGEN.LUA.

Good luck!

Thank you very much for the quick reply.

I will try to work out the two lua file you pointed out.

And for search radius, the count actually affects both the digging radius, and radius for displaying light pillars. I guess I will just be becareful with the "D" key for now that I have to do.

And if you figured out how to makes the the accumulated rage does not decrease on the map, please let me know.

Thank you again.
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