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Old 01-29-2009, 11:06 PM
guiltyspark guiltyspark is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 622
Default What content in the demo would make you decide to purchase this game?

What features of the demo would you need to see before deciding to buy the game ( remember , you have to answer this question as a gamer , not a flight sim/IL2 fanatic)

Dont ask for too much , remember , its a demo!

For this game to be a huge hit on Xbox from my understanding it has to include some good multiplayer to build a community around the game.

Most XBL gamers would be pleased with demo something like this i believe

-Probly just 1 map area to fight in.
-and a simple selection of planes ( p51 or p40 , bf109 , mig 3)

But the most important thing to show people with this title is HOW it appeals to everyone , so here are what the host options should look like to cater to the casuals and the hard core.

Server settings
-Player limit (2-
-Private match (yes/no)
-Force realism of host player (yes/no)
-Take off and landing for ammunition ( yes/no )
* let me clarify this , IMO it would be a great idea to let the take off when the game starts and let the player land at his base to reload for ammo , but any campers trying to get an easy kill on taxing planes will be shot down by AAA *

-Region of server (since online games use a peer to peer connection it would be nice to let players mark their server region such as US , UK , EU , ASIA , and AU so that other players can join games knowing they will play with as little lag as possible!)

Player settings (options)

-Selected realism ( this will let players who are new or veteran to flight games join games when there is no forced realism so they can just have fun at there own pace)
-Selected plane
-Region of player (US , UK , EU , ASIA , AU )

what do you guys think ?
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