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Old 11-15-2008, 06:58 PM
DoolittleRaider DoolittleRaider is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Posts: 470

Definitely never-before-seen guncam footage!!!! Excellent quality. Some exceptionally long duration gunfiring sequences...

Oddly enough, I get a strange feeling at 15:35-15:56 watching an FW190 with its gear down, low altitude, the pilot seemingly trying to just get down alive, possibly even in an airfield landing approach ...very likely wounded as well. Helpless, unable for whatever reason to maneuver defensively. Watching it/him being pounded relentlessly is just a bit sad.

I'm very much understanding of the 'war is hell', 'the enemy is the enemy' facts of life. Been there, done that myself. It's just somehow sad in this guncam sequence.
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