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Old 10-03-2008, 03:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Tibster View Post
The importance of alchemy grows exponentially with the difficulty level!
The only time u dont really need it is easy!
Well I missed it even on easy - but the reason was that I played it first time, the UPGRAGE button didn't show the future upgrades and I was eager to know all be properties of all spells (still wasn't successful )

When I realized that ressurection for Paladin works only till level 4 creatures, I was sure that Mage can ressurect even LVL 5 creatures... how mistaken I was

Great about this game is that even as I played for fourth time I still found some spell I didn't get previously (now when I checked with the manual, I know em all, finaly )
When speaking of dissapointements - Slow has not mass effect... gosh...
WOK pan? You sure mean WOG...
Equilibrium? You sure mean Equlibris...
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