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Old 10-01-2008, 02:10 AM
jWTFz jWTFz is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 6

Ice snake is pretty damn nasty, great damage,basically a better fireball, but it does tend to weaken a bit later as enemies start having physical damage resistance.

Fireball is a classic, but kina loses it's edge later on.

Bless at Level 3 is awesome, as it becomes mass bless, and raises your armys damage tremendously.

However, I personally prefer the Level 3 Weakness spell... it becomes a mass antibless spell againes enemies... That's right, the entire enemy army suddenly starts hitting for minimum damage. Unfortunatly it's extremely expensive crystal wise (20!)

One underrated gem is actually Flaming Arrow, which may look unimpressive damage wise, until you realise the mana cost does not actually scale. That means in Level 3, it still costs 5 mana, great for sticky situations.

Other than that, Pain Mirror is always a classic, as is Mass Haste and Trap.
And for long battles, Mana spring is essential, just put it on your melee, and watch the mana flow.

I am wondering if I should invest in alchemy now tho, cause that Weakness spell was too damn expensive.
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