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Old 02-21-2014, 05:57 PM
MattCaspermeyer MattCaspermeyer is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 553
Thumbs up Harder enemies makes the game more challenging

I'll echo some of Fatt_Shade's comments.

If you have the enemy unit statistics rename static, then the only way to make the game more difficult is to have more numbers of them. If your own units stats are increasing during the game, it is only fair that so do the enemies.

In my H3B mod, the enemy unit statistics are scaled by difficulty level and then map location so that they get tougher the later in the game you go. This makes it more challenging and fun in my opinion.

I actually have been workings on making their talent abilities get more powerful as well and one omission for enemy hero bonuses (and even your own bonuses) is that they only apply to unit's base attacks. It'd be nice if I have an enemy hero or artifact that is +25% damage that the bonuses applies to base and talent damage.

So I hope the devs consider these points - thanks!

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