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Old 01-28-2014, 06:26 PM
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Janosch Janosch is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 140

Agh. Ugh. For what it's worth, Skies of Valor seems to have an interesting map rotation and flexible enough planeset. However, the problem is not only the padlock, but padlock with own externals and enemy externals combined. Three strikes innit.

Players are pretty much never the root of a given problem, it's the settings & maps nine cases out of ten. The only real problem are teamkillers (it can happen as an accident, too) or people who recklessly waste limited planes, such as Me 262s. Some maps have plane limits, and for good reason.

People who join the "bigger" team may seem like a drag, but maybe they are just loyal to their colour, nothing wrong with that. It's just unfortunate that there aren't enough players for the other side at that time.