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Old 10-22-2013, 07:33 PM
Laurwin Laurwin is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 87

Originally Posted by gaunt1 View Post
German flak is the weakest ingame. Try to attack a soviet airfield! Full of 37mm guns, one hit and you are dead. Or an american airfield, their guns are also incredibly effective.

Attacking trains is easy. The first thing you should target, is the flak wagon, the chance of hitting you is low, plus it has weak 20mm guns.
I found attacking ammo trains is far more dangerous, the chain reaction can kill you instantly if you are too close.

Concerning tanks, their damage model is very very simple. In reality, the ShVAK was nearly useless against them. The 23mm was far better, but it shouldnt penetrate the rear of the Pz.III, too thick (usually 50mm). Pz IV was more vulnerable (20mm), but due to the angle at which the aircraft dives on them, they were also resistant. Tigers, Panthers were almost completely invulnerable, only 37mm aircraft guns could harm them.

A great article:

OK, ok I over-reacted a little bit...

indeed, flak trains can be killed nicely when you make multiple attak passes, targeting flak wagons first.

But, airfields are still quite deadly targets IMO, even German airfields. That 20mm Flak ALWAYS TAKES OUT MY FRIKING CONTROLS.

It's much easier to attack flak with more nimble fighter-bombers, compared to slow-ass IL-2 which just gets wrecked by this 20mm flak.
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