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Old 08-09-2013, 07:50 PM
Pursuivant Pursuivant is offline
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Originally Posted by FC99 View Post
Tail coming off is relict of the past when average player's PC were much weaker than what we have now and it is best viewed as crude visual representation of catastrophic damage.
That might explain wings coming off B-17 or B-24 due to damage, too.

Is there any way to better model that catastrophic damage so that very tough planes don't lose parts in unrealistic ways?

Originally Posted by FC99 View Post
You are very wrong about human gunners too, they are way better than AI, obviously you don't fly online much.
Then you've got a decent way to calibrate AI gunner skill. Get a bunch of very skilled human gunners in coop, ask them how many hours they have flying online as gunners, then determine their hit percentage against a variety of targets and a variety of deflections.

Use the hit percentage by your very best and most experienced humans as your "Ace" quality gunner standard and adjust AI skill from there.

Whether or not it's historically realistic, synching AI gunner skill to top human skill has the following benefits: a) It means that nobody can bitch about the AI being "better than human", b) means that offline AI gunners will be good training for people who are practicing before they go online. By definition, if you can beat Ace AI, you can do pretty well against human gunners online.

Likewise, if TD feels like revisiting fighter gunnery accuracy (which went from "lasers o' death" prior to 4.11, to just about right in 4.11, to "nerfed" in 4.12) you could base Ace gunnery standards on hit percentages for the very best human players.

Last edited by Pursuivant; 08-09-2013 at 07:53 PM.