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Old 07-22-2013, 08:03 AM
MattCaspermeyer MattCaspermeyer is offline
Approved Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 553
Exclamation Almost ready for another Alpha Release

I've been making steady progress on the mod.

I found out why it was crashing in CW - there just aren't enough counter resources in CW for me to implement the Tome spell bonuses using counters.

So what I decided to do instead was implement the bonuses to the spells in the spells themselves (SPELLS.TXT).

I've gone ahead and implemented this and it seems to work fine. I added some LUA functions to handle doing bonuses to spells this way instead of the counter system.

Essentially what I do is list the items and their bonus in the spell's parameter list. Then I check if any items in the list are equipped and then sum up the total bonus. It's not as good as the counter system, but it is better in that it doesn't use any counter resources. It also seems like there are sufficient parameter resources available for the spell parameter section to include all the bonuses I intend to implement.

I may also expand this to unit abilities as well - we'll see...

I need to do a little play testing to ensure there are no show-stopping crashing issues, but I think if I can play a little bit and everything seems to be working, I can release an alpha update for CW.

I already have an update for AP that I released about a month ago if you want to check out Tome bonuses and stuff, but plan to release an update in about a week if there are no serious crashing issues.

I still have a lot of stuff to implement, but the idea is that you can start a new game and check things out as I keep doling out updates...


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