Thread: 4.12 ai...
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Old 07-20-2013, 11:49 PM
KU_Rigamortis KU_Rigamortis is offline
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Posts: 27

To expand on the issue I'm having.

First, for IJN side; I have been able to get A5M, A6M2-21, and B5N2 to spawn a flight of 4 and take off ok.

For U.S. side, I've been able to spawn a flight of 4 F2-A2 buffalos and they take off in pairs even clipping through the island superstructure. But, a group of 4 devastators will not launch except for plane 1. I even tried a different CV, shifting from SARA to LEX.

I'm sure it is a user problem vice IL-2.

Here are the files. It's just a simple set of tests for launching AI from CV, assigning fighters to escort bombers, then landing them back on the CV, vice a well thought out mission.

As a test, I also tried placing TBM-3's on a generic IJN CV and they won't launch from it either regardless of 1, 2, 3 or 4 planes in the flight.

Last edited by KU_Rigamortis; 07-21-2013 at 12:49 AM.
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