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Old 07-09-2013, 12:56 AM
Stoli151 Stoli151 is offline
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Originally Posted by ewoh24 View Post
Thank you very much for the complete and informative answer, its just what I was looking for. It's kind of crazy that this game needs that much horsepower. I know the Intel graphics sucks but like I said, I've run other games on it, and though I couldn't run at high quality, they do at least run acceptably.

I do have the original Sturmovik and 1946 both of which I've played to death. Loved them. So disappointed I can't play CoD. Ive been waiting for years for the next game. Can't afford a new system right now either. My PC is 100 years old and I'm mainly a Mac guy, that's what I do for work, so I have tens of Macs laying around, all of which won't be able to run CoD in Boot Camp. Bummer. Well maybe Ill have a new PC by the time Stalingrad comes out. Fingers crossed.

Thanks again.
Definitely save your money and get a decent gaming rig. I paid $1500 including monitor for mine. I had it built for me at a place that does custom builds. Don't buy some overpriced crap from one of the major retailers. If you have or know someone that has the knowledge, build your own, you could get a better system even cheaper that way. Too many people do not do the research necessary and just go to BB or some other Mega-crap retailer and ask the guy "Is this a gaming computer?" and the guy says "It will play games." Then they go home with their $400 pc(a.k.a. their "gaming" rig) and download CLoD from amazon and spam the reviews with cries of broken game when it won't run properly. I'm just trying to save you from a similar fate, because I was there about 6 yrs ago when I started to get interested in some complex PC games. So my advice would be to look around the forums for now and mod up 1946 to your liking, it really has some awesome gameplay in some areas that beats CLOD right now. Daidalos Team has done a marvelous with the AI in the 4.11+ patches and I swear sometimes I think I'm playing against humans online. In the meantime save your cash up for that new rig, and research the hardware you may like online. Especially, find people who play similar games as you and see what their system specs are and ask them what they recommend. Don't give up. It took me awhile too. When you do get a proper machine you will be blown away by the difference. The good news is that Team Fusion will be fixing up CLod even better while you are saving your money so you won't have to deal with as much crap as the rest of us did.

Last edited by Stoli151; 07-09-2013 at 01:24 AM.
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