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Old 06-23-2013, 04:24 PM
MattCaspermeyer MattCaspermeyer is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 553
Wink Making Progress...

Well, I've had a pretty good modding session the past several hours and so wanted to give you an update to how it has been going...

As far as where to place the modded files, this was driving me crazy in AP. I tried APDir\data\mods and APDir\sessions\addon\mods and it just was not working reliably. As it turns out, since I've used the editor, the game uses the following location: <DRIVE>:\Users\<USER NAME>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\1C Company\King's Bounty. Armored Princess\sessions\addon. Once I placed the files here, then it was working in AP fine. Note that for CW placing the files in APDir\sessions\orcs\mods works great.

I still have the problem in AP where I can't debug scripts so I use CW for now.

I've been working on the item and counter problems with respect to the tomes.

As far as the tomes are concerned, I think I have it fixed where you can click on a Tome and place it on your hero. So far I've just been adding tomes via the item cheat code to see if they work properly and if I can put them on my character. I've tried 29 out of the 180 tomes so far. Their pictures show up and their descriptions (for the most part) look okay.

I had a really hard time with the item params{} section and as it turns out it seems to only except about 9 or 10 params max per item. If you go over that, then the params won't work properly. I was using the params{} section for modifying the tome morale after a fight, but now will plan to implement that via an LUA script, instead.

The next area I'm going to work on is the mod section counters. I have too many and so need to reduce them. What I'm going to do here, is only use the Leadership Reduction counters that I use, others will be in the files, but commented out. This helps save counter resources since I'm not using them.

Next the spell counters I will consolidate into a single counter for the spell and rely on the LUA script to implement the various functionality. For example, I had counters for all the spell variables, including power, duration, chance of affliction, etc. This was simply too many counter resources for the game to handle and it was causing it to crash when I tried to start a new game (strangely I had more counters in TL, but I think there were a lot more resources available). I'm pretty sure that the counters have to exist when you start a game, otherwise they won't work. So by consolidating the spell bonuses into a single counter I save between 1/2 to 1/3 of the counter resources for the spells. I have not implemented this yet, but plan on doing so later.

With these changes, I'm hoping to have all the counters available when you start a game to manage the tome bonuses. If I still have problems, then I'm either going to have to get them to work in a different way or verify if I can use them after starting a new game. I'm pretty sure in TL I could use new counters, but things are different in AP/CW it seems like.

So anyway, if I can get this part of the mod implemented then I think I may still be able to implement the Tomes @level 1 and then you'll have to manually uncomment out the level 2-5 items so that you can upgrade them.

I also did a simple test to see if I could upgrade an item and the arena screen pops up okay, but the enemy hero doesn't work - there are just towers. In TL, suppressing the Staff of Destruction had both Towers and an enemy hero (the Staff of Destruction) in the arena together. In the item editor there is a place to specify an enemy hero, but it looks like this part no longer works in AP/CW or I'm doing something wrong.

I'm not going to worry about the Tome hero appearing in the upgrade / pacify fight, but it would be cool to fight against them when you're trying to upgrade them to the next level.

We'll see how it goes, but I'm making slow and steady progress...


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