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Old 05-14-2013, 08:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Royraiden View Post
Is not that they disappear per se, its just how the lods work and how the AA or maybe the lack of AA works.When you are near other planes they look right in all aspects, you can hardly see any jaggies if they are up close, but as they move farther away from you their shape is reduced to the point that the aircraft is represented by maybe 2 horizontal lines of pixels for the wings and maybe one short vertical line of pixels for the rest of the fuselage, those lines start to shimmer like crazy.Its easier to see the actual first dot than to keep track of planes when they are in that "shimmering lines representation".Im sure Im not the only one experiencing this phenomenon.

For what ever reason some people have never experienced what you describe here. That would indicate to me that it is a hardware related but do not know. I am redoing some videos now with my new knowledge of the FPS limiter. I'll try to capture what I see in both game's but it may be boring to most. Simply proving that my system can track AI has no value to anyone else I suppose.

GigaByteBoard...64bit...FX 4300 3.8, G. Skill sniper 1866 32GB, EVGA GTX 660 ti 3gb, Raptor 64mb cache, Planar 120Hz 2ms, CH controls, Tir5
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