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Old 03-25-2013, 04:19 PM
finchOU finchOU is offline
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Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 24

Alright...must have been a missions bug..... I moved on to other missions and it works part of the time. It seems that if I intercept what i'm supposed to intercept (where i'm supposed to) I'm Allowed to detach my Wingmen. If I run into a group or run into my target group...but not where i'm supposed to ....I can't get them to engage.

This is very strange behavior. What's the trigger in game that makes it possible for wingmen to engage?

It's funny when I'm swirling with a spitfire...and I have 5 wingmen trying to fly form or join up on me....and not engage the Spit.

This is an interesting Bug as it makes it impossible to "win" missions in my Campaign...due to lack of friendly AI engaging the enemy.

One last thing.....I got wounded in a mission and RTBed immediatly to look for the first place to set down my aircraft. How do I detach wingmen so they dont fly into the ground if I try and land first??
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