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Old 01-14-2013, 07:57 AM
Gregpapa Gregpapa is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 3

Ookay. Now I have managed to rewrite the Hero.ui's parameters so its looking good now even without the orginal textures. I have inserted the abilities' pictures as well. The spirit menu after all will need more cosmetics but that's just a question of time.

Furthermore I have figured out the spirit abilities' problem. In the associated spirit .atom files level value for the non-beginning skills wasn't 1 but 0 which made them a mistery for the game systematics.

Unfortunately the last big question is still alive. I'm searching for the thing which making the spirit level up impossible but no luck.
The most annoying and sad thing is that I have tried to add XP and LvL for the spirits via the editor but it isn't working. I've just added an already written script for a quest dialog to give XP to spirits. And I did the same with lvl-up.
So I suppose that the problem is not the spirit ability use/add xp system... which makes it even more complicated.
The problem must be something about the main spirit xp system and options. But I really dunno how to solve this...
Maybe altering the dragonpet xp system and referring it to the spirits - more detailed to the reaper - ?
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