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Old 12-12-2012, 08:21 PM
janpitor janpitor is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 122

I was also flying il2 since beta. I didnĀ“t have a pc that could run it those days, so I flew at my schoolmate's pc only with mouse and keyboard. I enjoyed the whole series and I think it is a pity it came to this solution just in the time the engine started to be more and more polished and hardware friendly.

When I look back to the hundreds of hours in the series, I might try out the 1946 just for the nostalgy. It is a great sim and only COD outperformed it. Unfortunately the sequels will have a hard time.

Thank you and the whole team, with Oleg in the first place, for the best sim ever, and for us, who started the real simming on il2, even the best sim forever.