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Old 12-12-2012, 01:13 AM
NZtyphoon NZtyphoon is offline
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Originally Posted by Crumpp View Post
The RAE left things up to the opinion of the pilot as the definative source on the stability and control.

That is why you had such a variation in stability and control in British designs.

Here I will quote Lyons in his report:
Just to quote one moderator who got tired of a subject being regurgitated time and again:

If Crump wants to provide Game test data or observed and documented characteristics and furnish the developers with the supporting valid realworld data (NACA or other I dont care). He can do it in private directly to Ilya, this thread has had more than enough time and data thrown at it to "prove" his theory if its correct. This thread is just causing more and more heated arguments and personal attacks and has failed to be objective. And yes I have read most of it because Ive had to moderate it continuously.

Personally I dont see the point of wasting this much energy on a single characteristic of a single aircraft at the expense of all other aspects and all other aircraft. In doing so it would unbalance the game and overall flight model of the aircraft in question. I would also have to question whether Crump holds an objective view of this flight characteristic and flight data given the single bloody-mindedness of the argument.

The developers have their criteria and approach to modelling flight characteristics and should not be pushed to change a FM based on one persons argument against the community. While I am impressed by the amount of research and data and the extreme effort to prove the spit was unstable, where was the game testing data to back up that infact the FM is incorrect? Nada, zero, zilch... so I have to conclude this is just a massive one-man-band trolling of the community.
Dead right, and it applies here as well - this is meant to be about improving 109 control characteristics in CLOD - which evidently won't be happening soon, as pointed out by Buzzsaw.

If Crumpp wants to exhaustively pursue his dead-end obsessions about whether or not the British had standards, or the Spitfire's control characteristics or his clear belief that he alone has all the answers about everything to do with aerodynamics and aeronautics, he can start his own site and troll that instead.

10. Off topic discussion - in full or in part. Purposeful and/ or continuous off topic discussion.

Last edited by NZtyphoon; 12-12-2012 at 02:52 AM.