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Old 12-02-2012, 03:36 PM
JG14_Josf JG14_Josf is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 32

When are you going to post a graphic like the above for the Bf109s, Hurricanes and Spitfires in the game for the new player, and even the so called trolls.
I have no interest in obeying the orders of trolls. Why would I?

My interest is in helping people find out, for themselves, which plane is better.

If you do not have any interest in that, then why bother replying to my posts?

Someone who does have an interest as I have, as we share the interest, may be someone, who knows, I don't, someone who reads my post, then says, hey, that sounds like a good idea, how about setting a time and a day, and we make a track file of a few of those tests you keep repeating.

What tests?

You know those tests that you keep repeating.



Side by side Spitfire and 109, online, with a replay recording to record the test. 2 or more pilots switch planes during subsequent tests to test repeatability of the tests and to make the pilot variable into a controlled constant instead of a variable.

Level acceleration to see which plane can get away from, or catch, the other plane in level acceleration.

Unloaded dive (minimum induced drag) and zoom to see which plane can get away from, or catch, the other plane in vertical dives and zooms where induced drag is minimized.

Sustained turns in level flight to see which plane can turn inside the other plane in level flight where altitude loss is not a factor.

Corner Speed tests, where one plane starts a diving spiral turn to maintain the smallest turn radius and maintain the fastest turn rate possible while maintaining the most altitude compared to the other plane.

Since I have my interests and you have your interests and those interests are not the same, the obvious result of that, it seems to me, is that you have no business speaking to me, and I have no business speaking to you, unless by doing so, there is in that effort, a sharing of interests.

Such as:

Having those track files made that way, those tests in those track files could, conceivably, contain enough information to plot out those plots that are required to make one of the Energy Maneuverability Charts, if not precisely, at least relatively accurate, as one plane would be conclusively better than another plane, in specific performance proven during the tests.

But what would be the need for a Chart if the Track File proves exactly what my interest is, in fact?

Which plane accelerates faster in level flight and by how much - exactly?

Which plane can dive faster and zoom higher in vertical maneuvering and by how much - exactly?

Which plane can sustain altitude in level flight and turn inside the other plane?

Which plane has the lower corner speed and at that lower corner speed which plane dumps more energy and by how much does one plane dump more energy at corner speed - exactly?

At corner speed, which plane has the absolute tightest turn radius and the absolute fastest turn rate, and by how much is the inferior plane inferior in absolute turn radius and turn rate?

So, again, those are my interests, as I see them, and while I do enjoy the game very much, while friends of mine share the game on-line, our work is more along the lines of teamwork.

last night, for example, we managed an effective half split, and it was very much a good investment of my time and energy, TO ME.

Perhaps not to you, but why would you think that your interests have anything to do with me?

Last edited by JG14_Josf; 12-02-2012 at 03:42 PM.
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