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Old 11-14-2012, 07:14 PM
Stealth_Eagle Stealth_Eagle is offline
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Originally Posted by =vit_unit= View Post
There will be all types of planes on the red side. Blue team has ju-87 and bf109. But the quantity of planes is in aspect as follows: ubers-little, middle-more, weak-the most (or more then little)

I think that this event will be taken on the last decade of November.
Do you think it could work to have it on the first of December since the last full week of November is Thanksgiving for Americans and some (including myself) may be out of town?

My personal suggestion for the aircraft thing would be the following:

20 Hurricane MK I (Rotal)
10 Hurricane MK I (100 octane)
10 Spitfire IA (100 octane)
10 Spitfire IIA

20 Ju-87B-2 Stuka
10 Me-109E-4
20 Me-109E-1/3

Does anyone else have an idea for this as well? The reason the Me-109E-1/3 is split like that is because some people have personal preference between the two and they are fairly similar besides the weapon change. The amount of high performance Spits can be reduced through request and can you pass this on to and see if they like this since I can't speak russian (or at least fluently).

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