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Old 11-09-2012, 09:26 AM
ivra ivra is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Norway
Posts: 156

First of all: Thank you very much for your work

I found a small error in the description of the Disregard for Pain ability of the Berserker unit. I tested it to verify that the troop indeed gets a boost to its defenses when hit.

The description says:
With every missed hit, the Berserker becomes less sensitive to pain, increasing resistance to all types of damage by 5%. The maximum bonus to all Resistances is +25%.

It should be:
With every hit, the Berserker becomes less sensitive to pain, increasing resistance to all types of damage by 5%. The maximum bonus to all Resistances is +25%.

Or something similar, like "Every time the troop is hit, it...". The point is that the troop gets the bonus when it is hit, not when it misses its own attack. I also found out that counter-attack did not give any bonus, but damage from poison did. So maybe something like "Every time the troop is hit, except damage taken from counter-attacks, it..." is better.

Oh, and I used troop instead of Berserker since I prefer the more generic term since an ability can be used by more than one unit.
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