Thread: Bugfixes
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Old 10-31-2012, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Bhruic View Post
To save space I didn't quote the code, but you can go back and look... What it actually is doing is checking if you've got the item "alchemist_toolkit" equipped on your character, and if you do, then you have a 10% chance of getting a second bottle. That's the only way it lists for that to take place.

I've never used Alchemists/Engineers in WotN, so I'm not sure if they are supposed to have the option to mix more than one without an item.
I bet that is the problem - good find. I don't have that item so it's never creating 2 bottles. However, the description on remix clearly says "Create 1-2 charges of X." I guess they put that in as a catchall? Seems misleading if you ask me, especially since your chances of finding one specific item could be low.

Imo, it should always have that 10% chance and having the item (after all, it's a belt slot!) should give you an extra 10% chance. Either that or the description should say 1 item... but then it won't be accurate when you DO have that item. Aargh.

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