Thread: Bugfixes
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Old 10-31-2012, 07:57 AM
Bhruic Bhruic is offline
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Originally Posted by camelotcrusade View Post
2. I've never seen my alchemist or my engineer mix more than one bottle when using their remix ability. Here's what the code says (line 3026, unit_special_attacks.lua):

I can see it looks like there is a 10% chance to do better than 1 bottle. Have I just been unlucky 20+ times or might there be something wrong here?
To save space I didn't quote the code, but you can go back and look... What it actually is doing is checking if you've got the item "alchemist_toolkit" equipped on your character, and if you do, then you have a 10% chance of getting a second bottle. That's the only way it lists for that to take place.

I've never used Alchemists/Engineers in WotN, so I'm not sure if they are supposed to have the option to mix more than one without an item.
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