Thread: Bugfixes
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Old 10-31-2012, 04:30 AM
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camelotcrusade camelotcrusade is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: San Francisco, CA
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Up next - 1. Does anyone have ideas of where to even begin to fix the Crystal Collector bug? That one is really cramping my style. Yeah, I know I'm only missing out on a few points of intellect, but I know if I start spending my crystals it will be ages before I catch up.

2. I've never seen my alchemist or my engineer mix more than one bottle when using their remix ability. Here's what the code says (line 3026, unit_special_attacks.lua):

-- ***********************************************
-- Ñîçäàíèå Çåëèé/Ãðàíàò (Àëõèìèê, Èíæåíåð)
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function special_craft_attack()
  local charge = 1
  if Attack.act_human(0) then
    if Attack.act_name(0) == "alchemist" then
      if Logic.hero_lu_item_on_body("alchemist_toolkit") then
        if 10 >= Game.CurLocRand(1, 100) then
          charge = charge + 1

  local animation = Attack.get_custom_param("animation")
  Attack.act_aseq(0, animation)
  local dmgts = Attack.aseq_time(0, "x")
  local name = Attack.get_custom_param("craft")
  local craft_name = "craft_"
  Attack.act_enable_attack(0, craft_name, false)
  Attack.act_enable_attack(0, name, true)
  Attack.act_charge(0, charge, name)

  local size = Attack.act_size(0)
  if Attack.act_size(0)> 2 then
    size = 2
  Attack.log(0.5 + dmgts, "add_blog_chemistry_crafting_success_"..tostring(charge)..tostring(size), "name", blog_side_unit(0, 0), "special", charge)

  return true
I can see it looks like there is a 10% chance to do better than 1 bottle. Have I just been unlucky 20+ times or might there be something wrong here?

Last edited by camelotcrusade; 10-31-2012 at 05:03 AM.
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