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Old 10-15-2012, 10:53 AM
Flanker35M Flanker35M is offline
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Original IL-2 had these LOD problems where you could barely see certain planes at distances but Bf109 was always a big blob on the screen making it easy to spot them. This was solved for UP by a guy who checked the LOD values of all planes and made them transition much smoother thus making ID more viable for BOTH sides of the fence.

What I do not understand why is it so damn hard to make it better? You can blame WoP or it's sequels from being arcade but at least you can ID a plane and it does NOT disappear in front of you among other things I won't go into. Future proof game engine does not mean you need a phantasmagorically awesome rig to even run it to get disappearing stuff etc. but an engine that has as solid base to build upon. And CoD does not have that at the moment unless devs pull off a miracle in sequel.

And had to vent, really not inviting to play if I have to drop resolution from my native 1920x1080 to actually be able to see anything while uglifying the game in the process..
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