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Old 10-13-2012, 10:17 PM
RG_Toad RG_Toad is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 2
Default Wrong version of IL-2 CoD for multiplayer...?

Hi All

Hope someone can help with this one...

I've had IL-2 COD (retail disc) for a few months now and whilst it works just fine on the single player game, I just cant get it to connect to multiplayer games on line. I can search for games online via the multiplayer link in Steam, and can see all the games listed and the number of players, etc, but whenever I try to join one of the servers it tells me my game is the wrong version (1.05) and that I need version 1.10.

I've tried updating the game via my Steam account - which tells me I already have the latest version - and have searched high and low in the internet for a patch to get me up to 1.10 but to no avail. I've also done the file verification thing in Steam and that tells me everything is OK too.
I've also had a dig through the Ubisoft support site, but that was of no help either.

I'm now at a loss as to what to do to get into multiplayer games. Is there a version 1.10 or am I simply doing something wrong? Can anyone point me in the right direction please...?

Win7 64bit home premium SP1
quad core intel i5-2500K @3.3GHz
Nvidia GTX550 Ti
8 Gb RAM

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