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Old 10-01-2012, 07:58 PM
NZtyphoon NZtyphoon is offline
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Originally Posted by Robert View Post
Well, when you compare a $30,000+ vehicle to a $50.00 game, then how do you expect people to react?
And you're a sucker. Period. Sorry if that comes out harsh but why the hell should people pay for and accept any defective product? Doesn't matter whether its a car or a more than NZ $50 game - if people walked away instead of paying for buggy computer sims then maybe developers would be more careful to release them without all the bugs, or at least with minimal problems. Still, there are enough suckers out there who will keep on buying the bugs because that's the best there is. I'm not happy and I'm not grateful and I'm not losing any more money on future IL2 derivatives.
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