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Old 08-07-2012, 12:36 PM
FS~Phat FS~Phat is offline
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Default NVIDIA 6 series stuttering

This is a little old now but still current and thought some of you might want know if you hadn't seen it and are on old drivers with a 6 series Nvidia card.
So please dont blame everything on the developers and the game!

There are still reportedly issues even with current drivers on some games so it wouldnt surprise me if some of the stutter issues with COD are related because I get zero stutters on 5 series hardware and some users are still reporting issues on 6 series hardware.

The thread on the Nvidia forums is almost 95 pages. At first, this issue was passed off as some minor bug, and presently , has several Nvidia engineers whose sole purpose is this bug and working to fix it, so far 3 different causes of frame hitching have been fixed. This is still not completely resolved.

Game and tech forums globally are full of threads about this issue across many games including BF3 that people love to compare to COD! :O
Games confirmed effected that ive found in a quick search.. There are sure to be others...
Titan Quest
Dirt 3
Sniper Elite V2
Diablo 3

Here's an extract from Toms Hardware.,15670.html

"Tom's Hardware has received several requests to look into a v-sync issue that a number of owners are seeing with Nvidia's new GeForce GTX 600-series graphics cards. A number of readers have pointed us in the direction of a very long forum thread where multiple customers express concern over stuttering problems with their Kepler-based graphics cards."

NVIDIA's Official Response...
We have received reports of an intermittent v-sync stuttering issue from some of our customers. We’ve root caused the issue to a driver bug and identified a fix for it. The fix requires extensive testing though, and will not be available until our next major driver release targeted for June (post-R300). For users experiencing this issue, the interim workaround is to disable v-sync via the Nvidia Control Panel or in-game graphics settings menu.

Thought it might help some of you still experiencing stutters on newer cards to make sure you disable vsync which is the opposite of what you would logically think! Vsync normally smooths games out.... The frame limiters that people have been using also seems to be another work around for this.

And lastly an interesting post at Guru3d about the issue across multiple platforms and hardware combinations.....
"Just like to add that I had this issue with 3 different cpu/mobo builds. X58 & i7 920, x79 & 3820, and z77 & i52550k. I got rid of it prior to moving over to my now current ivybridge. The problem was also with 2 different 680's, a Gainward Phantom and iirc a standard Gainward. The 2 680's having different clock speeds and power phasing.

I did however manage to reduce the issue signifcantly to the point of making it appear non existant during gaming. On a game by game basis, I often resolved by combination of max frames to 60, pre rendered to 1, power management to always max etc etc. Deep diving driver config could resolve those games of which it presented itself for me usually.

Going back to my current 580, resolved the need for any driver tweaks to work around the stutter I had with the 680's. I just found the driver/680 to be a load of hassle on every other game to get working as I wanted.

iirc correctly the latest driver at the time though was the 301.42, of which I personally found the 300.83 to greatly improve the situation. So I cant comment on the situation post those drivers today.

"If this issue is so "minority" associated, as is being alleged on this thread. Then I for one think its strange that I had the issue across so many different set ups and using 2 different 680's. Also if the issue didnt exist for a large number of users, why did the 95 page thread at Nvidia have over 1 million hits before forums went down. And lastly if the issue does not exist, why did Nvidia confirm that it did/does?" end quote

Naughty Nvidia!

Last edited by FS~Phat; 08-07-2012 at 12:43 PM.
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