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Old 07-03-2008, 05:47 AM
Nike-it Nike-it is offline
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Originally Posted by grasshopper45 View Post
I have an HP Pavilion desktop computer with windows vista home premium 32-bit OS, not to long ago i put in the maximum amount of memory aloud for my operating system. the amount aloud is 4 gigabytes.

now i am thinking about updating to a higher performance graphics card specifically made for 3d gaming and regular gaming. right now i have the NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 graphic card witch is integrated in my PC and has a low 3d and gaming performance score.

i have no VGA slots but i do have some PCI slots, here are the PCI slots i have open. 

PCI Two (One available)
PCI Express x16 One (One available)
PCI Express x1 One (One available)

whats the difference between regular PCI and Pci Express x16 and PCI Express x1?

now with all the information i have provided for you does anyone have any ideas on a good and powerful performance graphic card for my computer?
if so let me know
P.S. recommendations and opinions welcome
HI grasshopper45!

The main difference between PCI and Pci Express x16 and PCI Express x1 is in rate of data sending. For PCI Express x1 it is 250 mb/s, and for PCI Express x16 it is already 4 gb/s. So PCI Express x16 is used mainly for graphic cards.
Concerning the video card, you can choose between latest products of Ati and Nvidia (I will advice something like Radeon 4850 or Nvidia 9800 GTX/GTX+, but in any case read reviews and make the final decision yourself)
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