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Old 07-11-2012, 06:41 PM
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Originally Posted by crossmr View Post
Gotta agree. This is just awful.

It's nearly impossible to capture enemy equipment, you're given a couple soldiers to go against huge odds.

There is still...still still the save game bug of reloading the game (when it doesn't crash) and the enemy knowing your position. Completely ruins some of the saves.

Throwing grenades is a joke. Half the time the guy leans out and throws it in the opposite direction, as if some areas are bugged. You try to hurl a grenade in one direction with no obstruction the guys leans out and hurls it 80 degrees off to the left. Try it again, same direction.

About the only way to play some missions is to get a guy a german machine gun, load him with ammo and grenades and solo most of it. You have so few soldiers that trying to move them as a group and do normal attacks means you'll end up getting slaughtered. Constantly saving for when something bugs and your guy dies.

Some missions where you are being attacked (the german base where you have to take the radio tower and take out the planes) the allies will just stand there and watch the germans move into position because they may not have hit their trigger point.

The attack on the city where you have to sneak in via the small canal and then open up a way for the tanks and take out the AA guns? Totally bugged. I swung around from behind. Took out the AA guns before taking out the guns to let the tank through. As soon as the tank guns were taken out, the AA gun objective came up and was auto-completed since I did it, and then every single soldier I killed respawned.

Which meant all my guys who were standing where dead soldiers were?
Instantly killed. What a joke.

Also half way through the game the auto-saves stopped..had no idea they were doing that. Even in the missions which have multiple parts. There is no auto-save when you move on to the next part. Which means if you get some bug or something absolutely stupid happens and gets most of your guys killed and you didn't save right away you have to go back to the last part. Hitting restart restarts the entire mission.

the bonus mission good?
played the first one..what a joke.
You have 3 minutes to set up. Takes you time to get there, you've only got like 4 guys and 3 tanks.

Against several waves of germans. You might get lucky for the first 2-3 waves, then the heavy tanks roll in. If you're extremely lucky you can survive until reinforcements show up.
Usually at that point the really heavy tanks show up, my tanks can barely dent them, they blow up all my tanks, the reinforcements roll in, they usually get 1 shotted, and if I'm lucky I've got one tank left.

I won, by having the enemy tanks hit the mines, I had like 4 guys left, no tanks. Managed to nade the heavy tanks, kill the soldiers, and repair one of the really heavy tanks. I was down to 2 guys. I thought it was done. Nope, whole new batch of tanks and soldiers roll in.
Are you kidding me?
3 waves of tanks so heavy your tanks can't even damage them with side shots, and AT nades barely dent them. Luckily with the really heavy german tank I was able to take out 2 of their 4 tanks, they managed to knock a track off me, I had the guys bail (they ruined my turret, funny how I couldn't ruin theirs) , and lead the reamining two tanks across the mines immobilizing them, managed to sneak up on them and nade the guys out and kill them.

I "won" but they still had half a dozen soldiers left, my last remaining guy was shot 1 second after I got the "you won" message. You need at least 5 minutes to setup properly for that mission if you want a fair chance. You can barely have guys lay 1 or 2 sets of mines before the first wave is there, and you need to meta game and know that the heavy tanks come down the left side later on.
I still don't have this game yet but your comments make me want to get it today(I'm still playing the other games). The MoW games have always had bugs. A few bugs common with other RTS games and some just with MoW. The "auto-save" one is new to me but easy for me to get around because I constantly save. The bugs can be frustrating at times but there are sooo many more cool things about the MoW games that make the bugs easy to ignore.
It's sounds to me like you play MoW pretty good. Even with the bugs and the odds against you.
My first game was SHoWW2. I used all my C&C, SuddenStrike, and other RTS experence on that game and got my butt kicked. I hated that game at first. Now I get every MoW game that comes out(sooner or later).
There are ways to tweak the game. Ways that can make the odds better for you, and there's probably a way to make that Bonus Mission more fun by giving you more time to setup.
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