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Old 07-01-2012, 07:33 PM
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JG52Krupi JG52Krupi is offline
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Originally Posted by furbs View Post
The problem Krupi is COD will never be a BOB sim, lets say they fix all the bugs(unlikely i know), what then? How do sqds get involved? how do we have online wars? we dont have proper COOPs, yes we have a sort of COOP that needs workarounds but its no use for online wars.

We have no single player experience to speak off, you cant enter a pilot name or join a sqd and fight a campaign. Where is the sense of fighting the greatest air battle ever? where is the immersion and history? Where are the scrambles, radar and ground control?

So COD will always be a small engagement sim over the coast at zero feet, single fighters flying across the channel to fight other single fighters or vulch single aircraft taking off. Its a deathmatch with planes nothing more.

The sims concept is flawed and limited, unless that changes (it wont for COD we all know there is no more content) with BOM, all we will have is the same sim experience again only with a new map and planes.

So no knickers in a twist here, just the hard truth.
Unfortunately the hard truth is that COD was never going to be a complete BOB simulator...

You would have to make shortcuts in other areas of the game to be able to field the huge number of aircraft that would have to be flying to fully simulate bob.

Originally Posted by SiThSpAwN View Post
Its a glass half full/half empty scenario, we all know the problems, we all know what needs to be fixed it just some people focus on the water they have and some focus on the water that isnt there....
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