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Old 06-25-2012, 06:50 PM
AbortedMan AbortedMan is offline
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Posts: 241

Yeah I understand the control surfaces thing, but after the initial "break" and loss of calibration, it would do it at random times as well, such as level flight while firing guns...anything that activated the FFB "shake."

I can't find this happening to anyone else on the interwebs through google searches. It may be a bad sensor/motor. Also, when I set my profiles up to "apply profiles to games automatically" any keyboard binds that I assign to the stick/throttle are inoperable. This is a bummer because I cannot bind my TeamSpeak PTT key to a joystick button, so I have to assign a joystick button to "shift", which doesn't read unless the profile is in globally persistent mode.

When it works, it works effing great. This stick is a Godsend. There's so much more involvement in what your aircraft is doing when FFB is configured correctly. I feel that if I have to limit my settings to something sub-optimal then that warrants a return/new stick.

Finicky software this bit is. Poor execution, methinks.

I think I may return this stick and get another G940, I may have gotten a bad apple...unfortunately my local electronics store had only one left when I bought it, so I may have to wait a bit.
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