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Old 06-12-2012, 06:57 PM
Jaybee Jaybee is offline
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Default 'limited activations'

I just purchased the hard-copy disc from Amazon of Men Of War Assault Squad/Vietnam, and I have only now come to find that the game has a 'limited activation' sequence... With the PC I have now, I often have to reconfigure settings and do system reboots, as to operations to protect the security of the files within. Because of that, I'll probably be using these 'limited activations' up within the year...

So tell me, is there any way to gain more activations, or will I just have to deal with the fact that the disc is going to become nothing more than a bad paperweight and have to just download the game from pirate bay (yes, the limited activation idea isn't worth a shit. People pirate it anyway, and it makes being an honest customer like I was stupid). Then again, it isn't pirating if you've already paid for the product. The game package set me back a good $29.90 or so.

So after installing this game three times, I'm done for. Is that correct? Or is there someone I can contact for either unlimited or extra serial keys? I'm not buying more of them, I don't have that kind of money to just blow away.

Is there some way to deactivate it and refund an activation through the software prior to a system reboot, because I'd much appreciate any information on that if I'm going about uninstalling it.

I'm saying all of this because I'm just going to be really pissed off when my legitimate copy doesn't work anymore. Punishing the paying customer is the worst thing that a gaming corporation can do. I had Crysis: Warhead for a while until it's activations ran out. I've been through this stuff long enough, so please, don't question my motives for asking this question, or my morals for anything I've mentioned about pirates. I've got the recipt and my checking account is out the money.

Last edited by Jaybee; 06-12-2012 at 07:07 PM.
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