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Old 06-07-2008, 01:41 PM
Elgi Elgi is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 1

Amazing game, I haven't been this addicted to a game in ages. Like a lot of users said it's nothing complicated or amazing graphics but just addictive gameplay.

I have run into a technical issue though, I'm close to finishing the game and I'm near the lift by the assassins guild however when I go to speak to the guards at the guild it says to head into the courtyard but then the game doesn't let me close that dialogue box. The game isn't frozen as I can still move my cursor fine however I can't get out of the dialogue box to allow me to do anything else in the game.

Any way to fix this?

And some tips for some of the people who are having troubloe in the early game, I put all my skill points in magic and health, no damage seeing as how you essentially have unlimited spell points and your spells are way stronger than damage. Also try to really judge distances so know when to move back then move in so you don't take damage. And lastly at the start/mid game you may want to load up on wolves or cheap fast units to surround the enemy just to stall them while your hero or some other ranged damage units beat the enemy down with range or spells.

Personally I didn't open any chests until right before heading to Airath since their bonuses are multiples of your level the higher level you are when you open them the better the bonuses.
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