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Old 05-31-2012, 03:59 AM
Approved Member
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 34

OK, Im in, finally found the folder. Thnx for the directions.

NOW, I have the mouse working, got rid of the intro, and have been playing with the WINDOWS adjustments. I have tried all sorts of combinations. In the end the best that I can get is my monitor from left to right about 80% covered.

When I select FULL SCREEN in the game menu I go back to square one. And everything goes to hell.

SHOULD, the WIDTH and HEIGHT in the CONFIG FILE match my desktop resolution? Or should it match the resolution that I am going to run the program in? I would like to run the program at 1600x1200 32 BIT, FULL SCREEN.

I seem to be at the point where I am chasing my tail.

You all have had great input up to now, is there some magical combination in the [window] config file that I am missing.

Thank you again.

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