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Old 05-12-2008, 07:41 PM
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Default How important are we forum junkies?

There is a radio show in Sweden called "spanarna" ("the scouts/investigators"). They pick up some semi-nonsense subject of the day and just goes on about it for a long time to finally make some point about their chosen subject (or "spaning" as it is called in the show). Then the others chime in "flaming" the person that has presented the subject (and his point about it). Feels rather like this place in some aspects

Here is a small "spaning" of mine:

I was sitting here feeling somewhat bitter like many of us that we have gotten no information, images etc for a while. That happens sometimes but then I get over it and focus on something important...

I started thinking about how important the bunch of us here really are for the sales of the game? The sticky thread "Oleg's Answers" "only" have 19.700 views right now. Most of us that come here (or bother to read a thread like this) have probably viewed it 10-20 times. That makes this forum consist of lets say 5.000 people (counting high) that are really interested in the future of SoW:BoB. The rest of the world don't care enough to find this place...

So - if we get a bit pissed for not getting the regular updates that we feel Oleg owes us, does it really do anything about the future success of the game? (accept at worst 5.000 lost sales - but we will buy it anyway). IL2 sold about 600.000 copies in the west and a similar amount in Russia and that has to be the target at least - so what does 5.000 people mean then? OK, to get a stable online community that keeps the sim alive we are probably very important - but for the potential profit of the first installment of the game? Lets jus face it, we mean zip in the big picture...

Felling a bit small today I guess - have to focus on something important now... Go buy some milk maybe?

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