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Old 04-25-2012, 01:28 PM
IceShade IceShade is offline
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Originally Posted by Strong Reaction View Post
Aside from the:
game crashing
convoluted controls
sub par graphics
lack of voice acting
no official patch

I like this game. I like the combat the story and the rpg elements

If this game had the opposite of the above

Stable game
intuitive approach to game controls
improved graphics
voice acting

It would be pretty damned close to a AAA release.

will there ever be an official patch? Is there going to be a sequel?
The stability is a big factor, which is apparently because of a memory leak that they never managed to fix.
The game controls are pretty awkward, but I have seen worse. A lot worse.

Graphics and voice acting are a non-factor, though. Don't need em. JA2 was never much better in that regard.

What does matter is the amount of .. issues. Bugs, glitches and whatnot.
- Clipping issues like getting stuck in terrain or objects
- Bad models or LODs, like shooting at an invisible wall or shots hitting a rock while it clearly has a good line of sight.. etc.
- Quests that are broken or do not finish properly
- Bad game design, like the fact that you don't hear the shot unless you actually see it. Demolitions that are always detected by the AI ..

And yet, despite all these flaws, it's a great game. And unfortunately one of the very few games like it. JA: Back in Action was never meant to be a proper JA2 remake. It is a rather arcade, JA2-lite to cater towards the modern gaming audience. Cherish this rough gem, and R@S' efforts to make it even more enjoyable.

With Apeiron bankrupt, this series is at an end. Maybe some day we will have another game that is as realistic and difficult as this one, with an eye for detail. But I'm not very optimistic.
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