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Old 03-12-2012, 04:54 PM
ywenli ywenli is offline
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Originally Posted by DRNewcomb View Post
This is an interesting thread. I just picked up SR2 again after several years not playing. I don't think I could really manage the harder levels because I figure ground battles would be necessary and I really stink at the RTS part of the game. I generally only play the training RTS mission and that just to get some money to get early upgrades and capital for trading.

I have figured out how to get a really good first few months and get all the non-cheat advantages I can but the RTS just kills me.

I'm not sure which version of SR2 you're playing. I have the old one. Can you still get the cool engine from the drone (IPX482?) in the training mission in the newer version? I generally replay killing the drone as many times as necessary to get that engine.
I think most people play Space Rangers 2: Reboot now.

You can pretty much avoid all the RTS games except for possibly the one against Terron near the end so it shouldn't be too bad.

The key at 200% seems to be to generally stay alive till better weapons/ships/parts come along, probably around year 4. So far for me, for some reason, Blazer and Terron attacks incredibly strongly that it's impossible to defend your home system if they were to attack. Keller is FAR FAR easier to defend against so luck plays a big part as well since there really is no way anyone can stand up to an attack of about 14 ships I've noticed. All the space stations fall very very quickly from their smallest ships and their disintegraters(sp?).

I just restarted again and am around year 1 after my last game ended when Terron wiped out my home system so so fast...
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