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Old 01-16-2012, 02:03 AM
P-38L P-38L is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Medellín, Colombia
Posts: 117
Default Control surface transferred over network

Hello Team

Thank you for your great job about the best flight simulator of all times.
I've been waiting for your new option that include the control surface and head movement over network, finally is here. (I am using LAN connection).

BUT, I recently notice that when a player use a twin engine airplane the prop doesn't show the same movement over the netwowrk. e.g:
1 Start only one engine, the other player see no movement.
2 Start the other engine, now the other player see both props moving.
3 When the airplane is airborne and turn off only one engine, the other player see both engines off.

For the rest of the surface movement and the head I am completely grateful.

Now we have to wait to have Rearm/Refuel/Repair options, but I am sure you will soon have that option included in the next update.

Thank you very much.

Это самый лучший симулятор полетов всех времен.
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